Freitag, 15.11.2024

Wenn Höcke gegen die AfD Wahlkampf macht: Machtkampf in Thüringen


Sophia Wegner
Sophia Wegner
Sophia Wegner ist Kolumnistin beim Rhein-Main Kurier und gibt regelmäßig Einblicke und Kommentare zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Themen. Mit ihrer vielseitigen Erfahrung im Journalismus und einem besonderen Gespür für soziale Entwicklungen bietet sie ihren Lesern eine frische und kritische Perspektive. Ihre Kolumnen laden dazu ein, über den Alltag hinauszudenken und neue Blickwinkel zu entdecken.

In Saalfeld-Rudolstadt, Thuringia, a power struggle has erupted within the AfD party. State leader Björn Höcke opposes the official party list for the upcoming municipal election and supports an alternative list instead. This has led to the exclusion of nine members from the local association, sparking controversy and division within the party.

The controversy arises as AfD could expect 30% of the votes in the upcoming local election. Höcke’s opposition to the official party list and support for an alternative list has caused seven excluded members, who are candidates on the official AfD list. The exclusion is based on accusations of severe violations of party rules. Dissatisfaction with the official party list and personal conflicts within the party have further fueled the controversy. Karlheinz Frosch, a 73-year-old AfD politician, is at the center of the conflict, criticizing Höcke’s leadership and accusing him of being unwilling to compromise.

The power struggle in Saalfeld-Rudolstadt highlights internal divisions and discontent within the AfD. The controversy surrounding the local election reflects underlying personal and ideological conflicts within the party, particularly with regard to leadership and decision-making.


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