Sonntag, 01.12.2024

China strebt nach einer „stabilen Beziehung“ mit den USA


Sophia Wegner
Sophia Wegner
Sophia Wegner ist Kolumnistin beim Rhein-Main Kurier und gibt regelmäßig Einblicke und Kommentare zu aktuellen gesellschaftlichen und kulturellen Themen. Mit ihrer vielseitigen Erfahrung im Journalismus und einem besonderen Gespür für soziale Entwicklungen bietet sie ihren Lesern eine frische und kritische Perspektive. Ihre Kolumnen laden dazu ein, über den Alltag hinauszudenken und neue Blickwinkel zu entdecken.

China’s President Xi Jinping expressed the importance of maintaining a stable relationship with the US during a meeting with President Joe Biden at the Apec summit in Lima, Peru. This meeting highlighted the significance of communication, cooperation, and the need to overcome differences between the two nations.

Xi Jinping’s commitment to a stable relationship with the US, regardless of future changes in the US government, indicates a desire for continuity and diplomacy. Over the past four years, both countries have faced fluctuations in their relationship, but the recent meeting in Lima marked the third and likely last in-person meeting between Biden and Xi.

The discussions addressed trade tensions, technology disputes, and the concerns over China’s relationship with Russia and its involvement in the Ukrainian conflict. Additionally, Taiwan’s invitation to Biden stirred tensions with China, emphasizing the complex dynamics in the region.

Maintaining open and honest communication is vital to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts between China and the US. Both leaders stress the importance of competition over conflict in their relationship, with broader implications for global peace and security.


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